Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In conclusion we see how the fertility of land has actually affected the expansion and development of Ancient Europe. We come to this conclusion after examining ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the Mongols; a barbarian tribe, and even modern day Papua New Guinea. By comparing all of these places other than Papua New Guinea we notice that they were all extremely successful and had an amazing military or trading partnership, which lead to their development as a more sustainable empire. These places did not only have to rely on their soil they had to learn how to rely on each other and start to have business oriented minds while trading and tactical minds while dealing with their military. Also by not having to rely on solely on their soil it gave them times to experience other ways of life. In Papua New Guinea since they had some fertile land at the time they did not expand their thinking into a more developed modern way of life. If they had done this some feel as though they would have become a dominant force due to their high intelligence, unfortunately their lack of opportunity paved them into the way of life they are living now. They struggle for the daily necessities while living on that island. If they would have started up a government, military, and gained possible trading partners would they still in the daily struggle they are today?

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