Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Papua New Guinea

Some people you talk to might believe that the New Guineans are unintelligent but in fact they are the complete opposite. The New Guineans are probably some of the smartest people in the world unfortunately they were held back while others learned about new ways of life and evolved into more efficient and sustainable places. In Papua New Guinea they had fertile land for farming wheat. They have drier highlands in the central part of this island where they farm wild root crop; yams and taro, if you go even more inland they can farm sago, bananas, and sugar cane. Unfortunately none of these crops are very nutritious but the New Guineans were persistent and were able to live and survive for many years off of these crops and still do today. Nevertheless by the New Guineans solely focusing on farming and being able to have a sustainable amount of food for the community they did not broaden their horizons and discover more efficient ways of living. With the intelligence the New Guineans have they could have become a dominant and easily, efficient country.  If Papua New Guinea had not focused so much on farming and focused more on trading or their military they would have been able to develop into a higher functioning society like the one we live in today.

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